Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Maker's List

March/April Edition

Similar to other crafters I know, I am a collector of craft inspiration.  Some people, like family, may claim that I am a hoarder of craft goods.  Everything is contained in a cupboard or two and a closet, not spilling about a room, so I don't really feel in danger of hoarding.  I may, however, just have too much.  I think that it would take me a few (two or three) years to knit up projects in the yarns I already have on hand.  Some of those yarns aren't even earmarked for specific projects. The issue is compounded by the multitude of patterns purchased -- not all of them are matched to the yarn/material stash -- and could, in my mind anyway, justify additional purchases.  Hmm, and what about the sewing?

While I generally have a focused approach in life, the multitude of gorgeous yarns and patterns on line makes my head spin and my fingers itch to reach for the credit card.  I have also discovered sewing blogs, where seemingly normal people sew extraordinary things in beautiful fabrics that fit them perfectly.  Oh, the possibilities I imagine!  I had discounted the possibility until recently due to flashbacks of a distinctly unsuccessful experience in a high school home economics class.

Blogs have been some of my best enablers and inspirations, where all the wonderful crafty possibilities are paraded before my eyes while I sit comfortably in my living room.  In another post, I will share some favorite blogs.  For today though, I will mention only one, The Craft Sessions.  I am not a long-time reader, but started reading regularly when a series called Stash Less caught my eye.  This post in particular has been extremely enlightening to my crafting life (links to the whole series can be found here.)

I have tentatively  mapped out my next crafting year, and have posted  the current list.  I won't finish everything by tomorrow (April 30), but I'm OK with that.  I will bump some items forward to the May/June list and re-evaluate.  Next list, coming soon!  If you'd like to check out some knitting FOs, I am lindy126 on Ravelry.

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